Monday, July 09, 2007

Was the Bike Wreck Divine Retribution?

There's really no need to write about my own thoughts or happenings, since my daughter's MySpace bulletins are just so darned precious. This one is about a "charismatic" Christian revival held in Nashville over the weekend. She and my husband were disappointed in the crowd's apparent normalcy.

my dad and i went on a bike ride
and decided to go to the colleseum to see that weird god thing thats going on
and there were like A LOT of scene kids.
like a lot a lot.

we were about to leave
then like these people in matching outfits got on the stage
and these guys in black hoods came
and like i think the black hood people killed the matching people
but like then this lady in a white robe came and was lipsincing
and dancing
and was like "wake upp wake uppp alalalla"
and then this guy with a sash on came on to stage
and he started preaching or something
but after that all the people in black hoods went away
and all the matching people got up and did a dance routine

so later when my dad and i were riding away from that
he asked me if i had made sence of any of it
so i said
"i've learned, that when 'judgment day' comes,
we're all going to dance."

but i actually think they were saying that 7.7.07 is the rapture or something crazy like that

oh yeah
later i had a bike wreck
it wasnt too bad
i just have a bloody elbow and a cut on my left hand
woohoo! great day. ahahah

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Blogger rb said...

haha! this would make a good movie

8:19 PM  

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